INDORA is an IT system constructed exclusively through the eyes and minds of people with experience in production. People who know real problems and risks that occur on a daily, hourly and constant basis. When we add new features to the system, our main thought is about who, when and how exactly they can help.

The system is adaptable as much as possible to a specific business. The architecture of the INDORA system is designed in such a way as to ensure maximum operational reliability and stability. Technical support is available 24/7.


Industrial safety digital platform

ERP system

Personnel and documents


Technical data

Production data

Shift handover logs

Electronic work permits

Disconnection management

Electronic audit

Competency management system

Risk management

Incident Management





Each module is responsible for a separate function. Interacting with each other and with other corporate systems, INDORA modules ensure full-scale process coverage and multiply safety system efficiency.

The system complies with international standards (ISSOW, OIAC, OSHA, OLF). It is based on the best industry practices and the experience of Tactise specialists.

You don't need to bother with a wide range of programmes: all the necessary information for safety planning, analyzing and management is integrated into the INDORA IT system and with other corporate systems.

INDORA is a modular IT system of the ISOBR 2.0 class

Additional functions

Industrial safety digitalization

Equipment non-compliance
PPE use monitoring
Continuous monitoring
Automatic address notification
Integration with other modules
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